Hogg, R.W. Rankin, A.L. Roumeliotis, S.I. McHenry, M.C. Helmick, D.M. and Bergh, C.F. Matthies, L. . "Algorithms and Sensors for Small Robot Path Following." Robotics and Automation, 2002. Proceedings. ICRA '02. IEEE International Conference on 2002. pages 3850- 3857 vol.4 Web.23 Jun 2009.
“Tracked mobile robots in the 20 kg size class are under development for applications in urban reconnaissance. For efficient deployment, it is desirable for teams of robots to be able to automatically execute path following behaviors, with one or more followers tracking the path taken by a leader. The key challenges to enabling such a capability are (1) to develop sensor packages for such small robots that can accurately determine the path of the leader and (2) to develop path following algorithms for the subsequent robots. To date, we have integrated gyros, accelerometers, compass/inclinometers, odometry, and differential GPS into an effective sensing package. This article describes the sensor package, sensor processing algorithm, and path tracking algorithm we have developed for the leader/follower problem in small robots and shows the results of performance characterization of the system. We also document pragmatic lessons learned about design, construction, and electromagnetic interference issues particular to the performance of state sensors on small robots”. (Hogg and Rankin )
This article states the importance if team robotics and described it as an effective way to achieve goals that cannot be done individually. One of the main problems that occur when working with swarm robotics is dispersion. Many different strategies were introduced to achieve good dispersion but the main concentration was on the Leader-Follower strategy.
While reading this article I got more familiar with some navigation sensors such as GPS receivers and internal navigation sensors such as the internal measurement units (IMUs). Also, position estimation techniques were discussed. First, noise model for the Systron Donner Quartz gyro. Second, TCM2-50 Compass/Inclinometers Characterization. Third, Kalman filter based attitude estimation with both the Dynamic Model Replacement and the Attitude kinematics and error state equations aspects.
The article dives deeply into system architecture and Leader-Follower control. It starts by explaining the main architecture of the project, and what sensors are used. It continues on with an interesting path following control algorithm. Pure Pursuit Controller, a controller that produces command curvatures was experimented with. Also, a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller was used too. The research combines both Pure Pursuit and PID Control together and discusses the results. Outdoor and indoor testing was done, results that include problems that occurred and possible solutions.
Time 8 hrs.
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