Gordon Wyeth, University of Queensland did research about Localization, which is the process where the robot works out where it is based on the data from its sensors. Wyeth designed a particle filter which I am planning to use in my algorithm to improve the driving of the NXTs. The particle filter is based on a style of probabilistic localization called Monte-Carlo Localization. It relies on finding the best odds from a series of seemingly random outcomes. Particle filters are horribly computationally intensive with lots of floating point math, and surprisingly the NXT LEGO brick can handle it. I have studied the code below and tried to understand the main concept behind it.
//*!!Sensor, S1, us1, sensorSONAR, , !!*//
//*!!Sensor, S2, us2, sensorSONAR, , !!*//
//*!!Sensor, S3, us3, sensorSONAR, , !!*//
//*!!Motor, motorA, right_m, tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop, !!*//
//*!!Motor, motorC, left_m, tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop, !!*//
//*!! !!*//
//*!!Start automatically generated configuration code. !!*//
const tSensors us1 = (tSensors) S1; //sensorSONAR //*!!!!*//
const tSensors us2 = (tSensors) S2; //sensorSONAR //*!!!!*//
const tSensors us3 = (tSensors) S3; //sensorSONAR //*!!!!*//
const tMotor right_m = (tMotor) motorA; //tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop //*!!!!*//
const tMotor left_m = (tMotor) motorC; //tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop //*!!!!*//
//*!!CLICK to edit 'wizard' created sensor & motor configuration. !!*//
// nxt_particles.c - an application that performs waypoint navigation while remaining
// localised based on sonar readings.
// Gordon Wyeth
// 24 November 2007
// See http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~wyeth/nxt for details.
/********************************** Defines *****************************************/
// Particle filter parameters and settings
#define ENC_NOISE 0.15 // noise as fraction of commanded distance or angle
#define SENS_DIST_NOISE 35.0 // noise of sensor reading in mm
#define PART_XY_NOISE 50.0 // noise in positional placement of robot in mm
#define PART_Q_NOISE 0.0523 // noise in positional placement of robot in rad
#define NUM_PRTCL 100 // number of particles *** NOTE update floating point value below as well
#define F_NUM_PRTCL 100.0 // floating point representation of number of particles *** change with above
#define ESS_THRESH 0.2 // resampling threshold
// Physical characteristics of robot
#define NUM_SENSORS 3 // number of sensors
#define RADIUS 26.0 // tyre radius
#define ROBOT_DIAM 110.0 // distance between turning point of wheels
#define MM_TO_ENC (180.0 / (PI * RADIUS))
#define DEG_TO_ENC (ROBOT_DIAM / (2.0 * RADIUS))
// Starting position and angle
#define START_X 300.0
#define START_Y 300.0
#define START_Q 0.0
// Acceleration and top speed of movement
#define MOTOR_POWER 60 // maximum power to motor (max value 100)
#define MAX_SPEED 600 // maximum speed of movement (max value 1000)
// Handy constants
#define TWO_PI 6.28318530718
#define PI_ON_TWO 1.5707963268
#define BIG_NUMBER 999999.0
/****************************** Typedefs ********************************/
// Choices for display while robot is operating
typedef enum {TEXT, ARROW, CLOUD} disp_types;
/****************************** Constants *******************************/
// Map information
const int num_xwall = 1; // Number of walls parallel to x-axis
const float xwall[num_xwall] = {0.0}; // y-values of walls parallel to x-axis
const int num_ywall = 1; // Number of walls parallel to y-axis
const float ywall[num_ywall] = {1250.0}; // x-values of walls parallel to y-axis
const int num_tgts = 2; // Number of cylindrical targets (posts, coffee cups)
const float xtgt[num_tgts] = {550.0, -100.0}; // x-coords of targets
const float ytgt[num_tgts] = {1000.0, 650.0}; // y-coords of targets
const float tgt_rad[num_tgts] = {45.0, 45.0}; // radii of targets
// Mission data
const int num_waypts = 4; // Number of waypoints
const float waypt_x[num_waypts] = {800.0, 800.0, 300.0, 300.0}; // x coordinates of way points
const float waypt_y[num_waypts] = {350.0, 650.0, 650.0, 350.0}; // y coordinates of way points
const int num_segments = 3;
const bool cycle_waypoints = true;
// Sensors
const float sens_x[3] = {-60.0, 60.0, -60.0}; // x coords of sensors in robot coord frame
const float sens_y[3] = {-85.0, 0.0, 85.0}; // y coords of sensors in robot coord frame
const float sens_q[3] = {-PI_ON_TWO, 0.0, PI_ON_TWO}; // angle of sensors relative to robot coord frame
// Display settings
const float disp_scale = 20.0;
const disp_types disp_type = CLOUD;
// Precompute some handy numbers
const float ess_thresh = ESS_THRESH * F_NUM_PRTCL;
const float sens_dist_noise_2sq = 2.0 * SENS_DIST_NOISE * SENS_DIST_NOISE;
/****************************** Globals **********************************/
// Particle filter storage
float particle_x [NUM_PRTCL];
float particle_y [NUM_PRTCL];
float particle_q [NUM_PRTCL];
float particle_w [NUM_PRTCL];
// Sensor readings
float range[NUM_SENSORS];
// Interprocess variables
float avg_x, avg_y, avg_q; // Pose reported by filter
float dist, dq; // Commanded distance and angle from motion planner
int wait_for_filter, wait_for_drive; // Semaphores for synchronisation
string cmd; // String with last command as text for debugging
* Function definitions *
/*************************** Utility functions *******************************/
// float uniform_rand() - Produces floating point random number between [0,1)
float uniform_rand()
return ((float)(random(32766))/ 32767.0);
// float normal_rand() - Produces random number for Gaussian distribution with mean = 0 and sd = 1.
// Based on Box-Muller transformation.
float normal_rand()
return sqrt(-2.0 * log(uniform_rand())) * cos(2.0 * PI * uniform_rand());
// void atan2(float y, float x, float &q) - Computes atan2() but returns value in parameter
INLINE void atan2(float y, float x, float &q)
if (x > 0.0) {
q = atan(y/x);
if (x <>
if (y >= 0.0) {
q = PI + atan(y/x);
q = -PI + atan(y/x);
if (y > 0.0) { // x == 0
q = PI_ON_TWO;
if (y <>
q = -PI_ON_TWO;
q = 0.0; // Should really be undefined
// void limit_ang(float &angle) - brings an angle back between +- PI
// BEWARE: make sure this is called frequently on all angular variables or else it can take a
// long time to unwind a angular number that has been rotated many times. Could be implemented better.
INLINE void limit_ang(float &angle)
while (angle > PI)
angle -= TWO_PI;
while (angle < -PI)
angle += TWO_PI;
/************************* Motion planning functions *****************************/
// void do_move(tMotor m, int d) - Command the motor m to move through the
// prescribed encoder counts d and block until the movement is complete.
void do_move(tMotor m, int d)
nMotorEncoderTarget[m] = d;
motor[m] = MOTOR_POWER;
while (nMotorRunState[m] != 0) {
motor[m] = 0;
// void go_fwd (float dist_mm) - Move robot forward the given distance in mm. Blocks
// til movement done.
void go_fwd (float dist_mm)
int dist;
dist = (int)(dist_mm * MM_TO_ENC);
nSyncedMotors = synchAC;
nSyncedTurnRatio = +100;
do_move (right_m, dist);
// void turn_left (float ang_deg) - Turns robot left given angle in degrees. Blocks
// til movement done.
void turn_left (float ang_deg)
int dist;
dist = (int)(ang_deg * DEG_TO_ENC);
if (dist > 0) {
nSyncedMotors = synchAC;
nSyncedTurnRatio = -100;
do_move (right_m, dist);
// void turn_right (float ang_deg) - Turns robot right given angle in degrees. Blocks
// til movement done.
void turn_right (float ang_deg)
int dist;
dist = (int)(ang_deg * DEG_TO_ENC);
if (dist > 0) {
nSyncedMotors = synchCA;
nSyncedTurnRatio = -100;
do_move (left_m, dist);
// task drive() - Main routine in motion planner. Moves robot from waypoint to waypoint,
// returning to first waypoint if cycle_waypoints is true. Motion between waypoints is
// divided into segments to allow localisation as the target is approached. Number of
// segments is defined in num_segments. drive() waits for filter to produce localisation
// estimate before attempting each segment. drive() also blocks filter until a motion is
// complete. Blocking is accomplished by semaphores, but be careful of deadlocks!!
task drive()
float dx, dy, dq_degrees;
int i, j;
bFloatDuringInactiveMotorPWM = false;
nMotorPIDSpeedCtrl[left_m] = mtrSpeedReg;
nMotorPIDSpeedCtrl[right_m] = mtrSpeedReg;
nPidUpdateInterval = 5;
nMaxRegulatedSpeed = MAX_SPEED;
do {
for (i = 0; i <>
for (j = 0; j <>
// Wait for most up to date values
wait_for_filter = 1;
while (wait_for_filter > 0) {
dx = waypt_x[i] - avg_x;
dy = waypt_y[i] - avg_y;
dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / (float)(num_segments - j);
atan2(dy, dx, dq);
dq -= avg_q;
dq_degrees = dq / PI * 180.0;
StringFormat(cmd, "Q:%3.0f D:%3.0f", dq_degrees, dist);
if (dq > 0.0) {
turn_left (dq_degrees);
} else if (dq <>
turn_right (-dq_degrees);
go_fwd (dist);
// Finished moving so OK to run filter again
if (wait_for_drive > 0) {
} while (cycle_waypoints);
/*************************** Display functions **************************/
// int xscale(float x) - Convert from map to display scale
int xscale(float x)
return ((int)(x / disp_scale));
// int yscale(float y) - Convert from map to display scale
int yscale(float y)
return ((int)(y / disp_scale));
// void update_display() - Update the debug display. Constant parameter disp_type sets
// which display to update. TEXT gives text printout of key values. ARROW gives a quiver
// plot of particles centred on the screen (principally for debugging heading issues).
// CLOUD is the most useful with plots of particle positions, the map, sensor readings
// and a text printout of the current movement.
// Constant value disp_scale sets the scale from world coords to pixels.
void update_display()
int i, n;
int x1,y1,x2,y2;
float sx, sy;
float cpq, spq;
if (disp_type == TEXT) {
// Display printout of key variables
nxtDisplayTextLine(6,"AQ:%f",avg_q / PI * 180.0);
} else if (disp_type == ARROW) {
// Display quiver plot of particles with headings centred on screen
for (i = 0; i <>
x1 = 50 + xscale(particle_x[i] - avg_x);
y1 = 32 + yscale(particle_y[i] - avg_y);
x2 = 50 + xscale(particle_x[i] - avg_x + 400.0 * cos(particle_q[i]));
y2 = 32 + yscale(particle_y[i] - avg_y + 400.0 * sin(particle_q[i]));
} else if (disp_type == CLOUD){
// Display sensor readings
for (n = 0; n <>
if (range[n] != BIG_NUMBER) {
cpq = cos(avg_q);
spq = sin(avg_q);
sx = avg_x + sens_x[n] * cpq - sens_y[n] * spq ;
sy = avg_y + sens_x[n] * spq + sens_y[n] * cpq ;
x1 = xscale(sx);
y1 = yscale(sy);
x2 = xscale(sx + range[n]*cos(avg_q + sens_q[n]));
y2 = yscale(sy + range[n]*sin(avg_q + sens_q[n]));
// Display particle cloud
for (i = 0; i <>
x1 = xscale(particle_x[i]);
y1 = yscale(particle_y[i]);
// Display map targets
for (i = 0; i <>
x1 = xscale(xtgt[i] - 2);
y1 = yscale(ytgt[i] + 2);
// Draw walls
for (i = 0; i <>
x1 = 0;
y1 = yscale(xwall[i]);
x2 = 99;
for (i = 0; i <>
x1 = xscale(ywall[i]);
y1 = 0;
y2 = 63;
// Display current command
/***************************** Particle filter functions *********************/
// void read_sensors () - Read the sensors and put the values in range. Invalid
// sensor readings are set to BIG_NUMBER
void read_sensors ()
int n;
int raw_s[3];
raw_s[0] = SensorRaw[us3];
raw_s[1] = SensorRaw[us1];
raw_s[2] = SensorRaw[us2];
for (n = 0; n <>
if ((raw_s[n] > 100) || (raw_s[n] <>
range[n] = BIG_NUMBER;
raw_s[n] = 255;
} else {
range[n] = (float)raw_s[n] * 10.0;
// void resample () - Resample the particles using Select with Replacement.
void resample ()
int i, j;
float uniform_weight;
float new_x [NUM_PRTCL];
float new_y [NUM_PRTCL];
float new_q [NUM_PRTCL];
int index[NUM_PRTCL];
int x[NUM_PRTCL];
float q [NUM_PRTCL];
float r [NUM_PRTCL];
// Produce cumulative distribution
q[0] = particle_w[0];
for (i = 1; i <>
q[i] = q[i-1] + particle_w[i];
// Produce a list of random integers with an ordering index
for (i = 0; i <>
x[i] = random(32766);
index[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j <>
if (x[j] <>
if (index[i] <= index[j]) {
index[i] = index[j] + 1;
} else {
// Put numbers out in order using index, scale and cast list to floats
for (i = 0; i <>
r[index[i]] = (float)(x[i]) / 32767.0;
// Make copies of particles as many times as the sorted random numbers appear
// between the cumulative distribution values
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (i <>
if (r[i] <>
new_x[i] = particle_x[j];
new_y[i] = particle_y[j];
new_q[i] = particle_q[j];
i = i + 1;
} else {
j = j + 1;
// Put the copies into the particle list and reset weights
uniform_weight = 1.0 / F_NUM_PRTCL;
for (i = 0; i <>
particle_x[i] = new_x[i];
particle_y[i] = new_y[i];
particle_q[i] = new_q[i];
particle_w[i] = uniform_weight;
// float get_reading(int n, float px, float py, float pq) - Work out what sensor
// reading for sensor number n should be if robot is in pose (px, py, pq) using
// information in map
float get_reading(int n, float px, float py, float pq)
const float sens_width = PI / 3.0;
float least_dist = BIG_NUMBER;
int i;
float dx, dy, dist, ang;
float spq, cpq;
// Update particle position to account sensor position
// wrt to turning axis of robot.
cpq = cos(pq);
spq = sin(pq);
px += sens_x[n] * cpq - sens_y[n] * spq ;
py += sens_x[n] * spq + sens_y[n] * cpq ;
pq += sens_q[n];
// Get a reading to any targets
for (i = 0; i <>
dx = xtgt[i] - px;
dy = ytgt[i] - py;
dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) - tgt_rad[i];
atan2 (dy, dx, ang);
ang = pq - ang;
limit_ang (ang);
if ((dist <>
least_dist = dist;
// Get a reading to any walls running in x direction (constant y value)
for (i = 0; i <>
spq = sin(pq);
if (spq != 0.0) {
dist = (xwall[i] - py) / spq;
if ((dist > 0) && (dist <>
least_dist = dist;
// Get a reading to any walls running in y direction (constant x value)
for (i = 0; i <>
cpq = cos(pq);
if (cpq != 0.0) {
dist = (ywall[i] - px) / cpq;
if ((dist > 0) && (dist <>
least_dist = dist;
return (least_dist);
// void init_particles(int particle_seed) - Initialise particles with a spread
// to express uncertainty in robot placement at start of test
void init_particles(int particle_seed)
int i;
float uniform_weight;
uniform_weight = 1.0 / F_NUM_PRTCL;
for (i = 0; i <>
particle_x[i] = START_X + (normal_rand() * PART_XY_NOISE);
particle_y[i] = START_Y + (normal_rand() * PART_XY_NOISE);
particle_q[i] = START_Q + (normal_rand() * PART_Q_NOISE);
particle_w[i] = uniform_weight;
// void predict_particles() - Predict the position of particles based on commanded movement
// and adding process noise
void predict_particles()
int i;
float approx_ang;
float noisy_dist, noisy_ang;
// Predict
for (i = 0; i <>
noisy_dist = dist * (1.0 + normal_rand() * ENC_NOISE);
noisy_ang = dq * (1.0 + normal_rand() * ENC_NOISE);
approx_ang = particle_q[i] + noisy_ang;
particle_x[i] += noisy_dist * cos(approx_ang);
particle_y[i] += noisy_dist * sin(approx_ang);
particle_q[i] += noisy_ang;
// void update_weights() - Update the weights based on the current range readings
// and the quality of match of the readings to the map
void update_weights()
int i, n;
float map_range;
float dist_err;
for (n = 0; n <>
if (range[n] != BIG_NUMBER) {
for (i = 0; i <>
map_range = get_reading(n, particle_x[i], particle_y[i], particle_q[i]);
if (map_range != BIG_NUMBER) {
dist_err = range[n] - map_range;
particle_w[i] *= exp(-dist_err * dist_err / sens_dist_noise_2sq);
// float normalise_weights() - Normalise the weights to sum to 1.0. Returns original sum
// value principally to check for all zero weights which means we're lost
float normalise_weights()
float sum;
int i;
sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i <>
sum += particle_w[i];
if (sum != 0.0) {
for (i = 0; i <>
particle_w[i] /= sum;
return sum;
// void update_averages() - Computes the weighted average of the particles. NOTE Prone
// to error if multi-modal distribution. Should really find mode and only use particles
// near mode.
void update_averages()
int i;
float a_x, a_y, a_cq, a_sq;
a_x = 0.0;
a_y = 0.0;
a_cq = 0.0;
a_sq = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i <>
a_x += particle_x[i] * particle_w[i];
a_y += particle_y[i] * particle_w[i];
// Compute using quadrature components to prevent problems at +/- PI
a_cq += cos(particle_q[i]) * particle_w[i];
a_sq += sin(particle_q[i]) * particle_w[i];
avg_x = a_x;
avg_y = a_y;
atan2(a_sq, a_cq, avg_q);
// float compute_ess() - Returns ess calculation to check information quality
// of particles
float compute_ess()
int i;
float sum, temp;
// Check ESS
sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i <>
temp = F_NUM_PRTCL * particle_w[i] - 1.0;
sum += temp * temp;
return(F_NUM_PRTCL / (1.0 + sum / F_NUM_PRTCL));
/************************** Main task definition *****************************/
task main ()
int i;
float ess;
float sum;
// Initialise position
avg_x = START_X;
avg_y = START_Y;
avg_q = START_Q;
// Initialise particles with a random seed
// Set the initial movement to zero
dist = 0.0;
dq = 0.0;
// Start the waypoint finding thread - blocks until filter first pass
StartTask (drive);
while (true)
// Predict the position of the particles based on the last movement command
// Sense
// Update weights
// Normalise and check for zero weights
sum = normalise_weights();
// If all weights are zero then we are REALLY lost
if (sum == 0.0) {
motor[left_m] = 0;
motor[right_m] = 0;
nxtDisplayTextLine(0,"Hopelessly lost!!");
while(true) {
// Compute weighted average position of particles
// Let the blocked movement task run now we are localised
if (wait_for_filter > 0)
// Resample if necessary
ess = compute_ess();
if (ess <>
// Update the display
// Wait for movement to finish before looping
wait_for_drive = 1;
while (wait_for_drive > 0) {
Time: 8.5
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