Saturday, July 11, 2009

Light and Sonar Sensors in RobotC

This code below allows the NXT to run forward until it detects a light surface:

const tSensors lightSensor = (tSensors) S1; //sensorLightActive

task main()


wait1Msec(50); //the program waits 50 millisecond to initialize the light sensor

while(SensorValue(lightSensor) //a loop that will keep looping while the light sensor's value is less than 45.


motor[motorA] = 100; //motor A is run at a 100 power level

motor[motorB] = 100; //motor B is run at a 100 power level


motor[motorA] = 0; //motor A is stopped with a 0 power level

motor[motorB] = 0; //motor B is stopped with a 0 power level


This code below allows the NXT to move forward until it detects an obstacle and then stops.

const tSensors sonarSensor = (tSensors) S1; //sensorSONAR

task main()


while(SensorValue[sonarSensor] > 20)


motor[motorA] = 75; //motor A is run at a 75 power level

motor[motorB] = 75; //motor B is run at a 75 power level



At this stage I am very familiar with most of the function that are needed and I understand all abilities of RobotC that is needed for my research.

Time: 4 hrs.

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