Friday, July 10, 2009

NXT Particle Filter

Gordon Wyeth, University of Queensland did research about Localization, which is the process where the robot works out where it is based on the data from its sensors. Wyeth designed a particle filter which I am planning to use in my algorithm to improve the driving of the NXTs. The particle filter is based on a style of probabilistic localization called Monte-Carlo Localization. It relies on finding the best odds from a series of seemingly random outcomes. Particle filters are horribly computationally intensive with lots of floating point math, and surprisingly the NXT LEGO brick can handle it. I have studied the code below and tried to understand the main concept behind it.

//*!!Sensor, S1, us1, sensorSONAR, , !!*//

//*!!Sensor, S2, us2, sensorSONAR, , !!*//

//*!!Sensor, S3, us3, sensorSONAR, , !!*//

//*!!Motor, motorA, right_m, tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop, !!*//

//*!!Motor, motorC, left_m, tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop, !!*//

//*!! !!*//

//*!!Start automatically generated configuration code. !!*//

const tSensors us1 = (tSensors) S1; //sensorSONAR //*!!!!*//

const tSensors us2 = (tSensors) S2; //sensorSONAR //*!!!!*//

const tSensors us3 = (tSensors) S3; //sensorSONAR //*!!!!*//

const tMotor right_m = (tMotor) motorA; //tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop //*!!!!*//

const tMotor left_m = (tMotor) motorC; //tmotorNxtEncoderClosedLoop //*!!!!*//

//*!!CLICK to edit 'wizard' created sensor & motor configuration. !!*//


// nxt_particles.c - an application that performs waypoint navigation while remaining

// localised based on sonar readings.


// Gordon Wyeth

// 24 November 2007


// See for details.


/********************************** Defines *****************************************/

// Particle filter parameters and settings

#define ENC_NOISE 0.15 // noise as fraction of commanded distance or angle

#define SENS_DIST_NOISE 35.0 // noise of sensor reading in mm

#define PART_XY_NOISE 50.0 // noise in positional placement of robot in mm

#define PART_Q_NOISE 0.0523 // noise in positional placement of robot in rad

#define NUM_PRTCL 100 // number of particles *** NOTE update floating point value below as well

#define F_NUM_PRTCL 100.0 // floating point representation of number of particles *** change with above

#define ESS_THRESH 0.2 // resampling threshold

// Physical characteristics of robot

#define NUM_SENSORS 3 // number of sensors

#define RADIUS 26.0 // tyre radius

#define ROBOT_DIAM 110.0 // distance between turning point of wheels

#define MM_TO_ENC (180.0 / (PI * RADIUS))

#define DEG_TO_ENC (ROBOT_DIAM / (2.0 * RADIUS))

// Starting position and angle

#define START_X 300.0

#define START_Y 300.0

#define START_Q 0.0

// Acceleration and top speed of movement

#define MOTOR_POWER 60 // maximum power to motor (max value 100)

#define MAX_SPEED 600 // maximum speed of movement (max value 1000)

// Handy constants

#define TWO_PI 6.28318530718

#define PI_ON_TWO 1.5707963268

#define BIG_NUMBER 999999.0

/****************************** Typedefs ********************************/

// Choices for display while robot is operating

typedef enum {TEXT, ARROW, CLOUD} disp_types;

/****************************** Constants *******************************/

// Map information

const int num_xwall = 1; // Number of walls parallel to x-axis

const float xwall[num_xwall] = {0.0}; // y-values of walls parallel to x-axis

const int num_ywall = 1; // Number of walls parallel to y-axis

const float ywall[num_ywall] = {1250.0}; // x-values of walls parallel to y-axis

const int num_tgts = 2; // Number of cylindrical targets (posts, coffee cups)

const float xtgt[num_tgts] = {550.0, -100.0}; // x-coords of targets

const float ytgt[num_tgts] = {1000.0, 650.0}; // y-coords of targets

const float tgt_rad[num_tgts] = {45.0, 45.0}; // radii of targets

// Mission data

const int num_waypts = 4; // Number of waypoints

const float waypt_x[num_waypts] = {800.0, 800.0, 300.0, 300.0}; // x coordinates of way points

const float waypt_y[num_waypts] = {350.0, 650.0, 650.0, 350.0}; // y coordinates of way points

const int num_segments = 3;

const bool cycle_waypoints = true;

// Sensors

const float sens_x[3] = {-60.0, 60.0, -60.0}; // x coords of sensors in robot coord frame

const float sens_y[3] = {-85.0, 0.0, 85.0}; // y coords of sensors in robot coord frame

const float sens_q[3] = {-PI_ON_TWO, 0.0, PI_ON_TWO}; // angle of sensors relative to robot coord frame

// Display settings

const float disp_scale = 20.0;

const disp_types disp_type = CLOUD;

// Precompute some handy numbers

const float ess_thresh = ESS_THRESH * F_NUM_PRTCL;

const float sens_dist_noise_2sq = 2.0 * SENS_DIST_NOISE * SENS_DIST_NOISE;

/****************************** Globals **********************************/

// Particle filter storage

float particle_x [NUM_PRTCL];

float particle_y [NUM_PRTCL];

float particle_q [NUM_PRTCL];

float particle_w [NUM_PRTCL];

// Sensor readings

float range[NUM_SENSORS];

// Interprocess variables

float avg_x, avg_y, avg_q; // Pose reported by filter

float dist, dq; // Commanded distance and angle from motion planner

int wait_for_filter, wait_for_drive; // Semaphores for synchronisation

string cmd; // String with last command as text for debugging


* Function definitions *


/*************************** Utility functions *******************************/

// float uniform_rand() - Produces floating point random number between [0,1)

float uniform_rand()


return ((float)(random(32766))/ 32767.0);


// float normal_rand() - Produces random number for Gaussian distribution with mean = 0 and sd = 1.

// Based on Box-Muller transformation.

float normal_rand()


return sqrt(-2.0 * log(uniform_rand())) * cos(2.0 * PI * uniform_rand());


// void atan2(float y, float x, float &q) - Computes atan2() but returns value in parameter

INLINE void atan2(float y, float x, float &q)


if (x > 0.0) {

q = atan(y/x);



if (x <>

if (y >= 0.0) {

q = PI + atan(y/x);



q = -PI + atan(y/x);



if (y > 0.0) { // x == 0

q = PI_ON_TWO;



if (y <>

q = -PI_ON_TWO;



q = 0.0; // Should really be undefined



// void limit_ang(float &angle) - brings an angle back between +- PI

// BEWARE: make sure this is called frequently on all angular variables or else it can take a

// long time to unwind a angular number that has been rotated many times. Could be implemented better.

INLINE void limit_ang(float &angle)


while (angle > PI)

angle -= TWO_PI;

while (angle < -PI)

angle += TWO_PI;


/************************* Motion planning functions *****************************/

// void do_move(tMotor m, int d) - Command the motor m to move through the

// prescribed encoder counts d and block until the movement is complete.

void do_move(tMotor m, int d)


nMotorEncoderTarget[m] = d;

motor[m] = MOTOR_POWER;

while (nMotorRunState[m] != 0) {



motor[m] = 0;


// void go_fwd (float dist_mm) - Move robot forward the given distance in mm. Blocks

// til movement done.

void go_fwd (float dist_mm)


int dist;

dist = (int)(dist_mm * MM_TO_ENC);

nSyncedMotors = synchAC;

nSyncedTurnRatio = +100;

do_move (right_m, dist);


// void turn_left (float ang_deg) - Turns robot left given angle in degrees. Blocks

// til movement done.

void turn_left (float ang_deg)


int dist;

dist = (int)(ang_deg * DEG_TO_ENC);

if (dist > 0) {

nSyncedMotors = synchAC;

nSyncedTurnRatio = -100;

do_move (right_m, dist);



// void turn_right (float ang_deg) - Turns robot right given angle in degrees. Blocks

// til movement done.

void turn_right (float ang_deg)


int dist;

dist = (int)(ang_deg * DEG_TO_ENC);

if (dist > 0) {

nSyncedMotors = synchCA;

nSyncedTurnRatio = -100;

do_move (left_m, dist);



// task drive() - Main routine in motion planner. Moves robot from waypoint to waypoint,

// returning to first waypoint if cycle_waypoints is true. Motion between waypoints is

// divided into segments to allow localisation as the target is approached. Number of

// segments is defined in num_segments. drive() waits for filter to produce localisation

// estimate before attempting each segment. drive() also blocks filter until a motion is

// complete. Blocking is accomplished by semaphores, but be careful of deadlocks!!

task drive()


float dx, dy, dq_degrees;

int i, j;

bFloatDuringInactiveMotorPWM = false;

nMotorPIDSpeedCtrl[left_m] = mtrSpeedReg;

nMotorPIDSpeedCtrl[right_m] = mtrSpeedReg;

nPidUpdateInterval = 5;

nMaxRegulatedSpeed = MAX_SPEED;

do {

for (i = 0; i <>

for (j = 0; j <>

// Wait for most up to date values

wait_for_filter = 1;

while (wait_for_filter > 0) {



dx = waypt_x[i] - avg_x;

dy = waypt_y[i] - avg_y;

dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / (float)(num_segments - j);

atan2(dy, dx, dq);

dq -= avg_q;


dq_degrees = dq / PI * 180.0;

StringFormat(cmd, "Q:%3.0f D:%3.0f", dq_degrees, dist);

if (dq > 0.0) {

turn_left (dq_degrees);

} else if (dq <>

turn_right (-dq_degrees);


go_fwd (dist);

// Finished moving so OK to run filter again

if (wait_for_drive > 0) {





} while (cycle_waypoints);


/*************************** Display functions **************************/

// int xscale(float x) - Convert from map to display scale

int xscale(float x)


return ((int)(x / disp_scale));


// int yscale(float y) - Convert from map to display scale

int yscale(float y)


return ((int)(y / disp_scale));


// void update_display() - Update the debug display. Constant parameter disp_type sets

// which display to update. TEXT gives text printout of key values. ARROW gives a quiver

// plot of particles centred on the screen (principally for debugging heading issues).

// CLOUD is the most useful with plots of particle positions, the map, sensor readings

// and a text printout of the current movement.

// Constant value disp_scale sets the scale from world coords to pixels.

void update_display()


int i, n;

int x1,y1,x2,y2;

float sx, sy;

float cpq, spq;


if (disp_type == TEXT) {

// Display printout of key variables






nxtDisplayTextLine(6,"AQ:%f",avg_q / PI * 180.0);


} else if (disp_type == ARROW) {

// Display quiver plot of particles with headings centred on screen

for (i = 0; i <>

x1 = 50 + xscale(particle_x[i] - avg_x);

y1 = 32 + yscale(particle_y[i] - avg_y);

x2 = 50 + xscale(particle_x[i] - avg_x + 400.0 * cos(particle_q[i]));

y2 = 32 + yscale(particle_y[i] - avg_y + 400.0 * sin(particle_q[i]));



} else if (disp_type == CLOUD){

// Display sensor readings

for (n = 0; n <>

if (range[n] != BIG_NUMBER) {

cpq = cos(avg_q);

spq = sin(avg_q);

sx = avg_x + sens_x[n] * cpq - sens_y[n] * spq ;

sy = avg_y + sens_x[n] * spq + sens_y[n] * cpq ;

x1 = xscale(sx);

y1 = yscale(sy);

x2 = xscale(sx + range[n]*cos(avg_q + sens_q[n]));

y2 = yscale(sy + range[n]*sin(avg_q + sens_q[n]));




// Display particle cloud

for (i = 0; i <>

x1 = xscale(particle_x[i]);

y1 = yscale(particle_y[i]);



// Display map targets

for (i = 0; i <>

x1 = xscale(xtgt[i] - 2);

y1 = yscale(ytgt[i] + 2);



// Draw walls

for (i = 0; i <>

x1 = 0;

y1 = yscale(xwall[i]);

x2 = 99;



for (i = 0; i <>

x1 = xscale(ywall[i]);

y1 = 0;

y2 = 63;



// Display current command




/***************************** Particle filter functions *********************/

// void read_sensors () - Read the sensors and put the values in range. Invalid

// sensor readings are set to BIG_NUMBER

void read_sensors ()


int n;

int raw_s[3];

raw_s[0] = SensorRaw[us3];

raw_s[1] = SensorRaw[us1];

raw_s[2] = SensorRaw[us2];

for (n = 0; n <>

if ((raw_s[n] > 100) || (raw_s[n] <>

range[n] = BIG_NUMBER;

raw_s[n] = 255;

} else {

range[n] = (float)raw_s[n] * 10.0;




// void resample () - Resample the particles using Select with Replacement.

void resample ()


int i, j;

float uniform_weight;

float new_x [NUM_PRTCL];

float new_y [NUM_PRTCL];

float new_q [NUM_PRTCL];

int index[NUM_PRTCL];

int x[NUM_PRTCL];

float q [NUM_PRTCL];

float r [NUM_PRTCL];

// Produce cumulative distribution

q[0] = particle_w[0];

for (i = 1; i <>

q[i] = q[i-1] + particle_w[i];


// Produce a list of random integers with an ordering index

for (i = 0; i <>

x[i] = random(32766);

index[i] = 0;

for (j = 0; j <>

if (x[j] <>

if (index[i] <= index[j]) {

index[i] = index[j] + 1;


} else {





// Put numbers out in order using index, scale and cast list to floats

for (i = 0; i <>

r[index[i]] = (float)(x[i]) / 32767.0;


// Make copies of particles as many times as the sorted random numbers appear

// between the cumulative distribution values

i = 0;

j = 0;

while (i <>

if (r[i] <>

new_x[i] = particle_x[j];

new_y[i] = particle_y[j];

new_q[i] = particle_q[j];

i = i + 1;

} else {

j = j + 1;



// Put the copies into the particle list and reset weights

uniform_weight = 1.0 / F_NUM_PRTCL;

for (i = 0; i <>

particle_x[i] = new_x[i];

particle_y[i] = new_y[i];

particle_q[i] = new_q[i];

particle_w[i] = uniform_weight;



// float get_reading(int n, float px, float py, float pq) - Work out what sensor

// reading for sensor number n should be if robot is in pose (px, py, pq) using

// information in map

float get_reading(int n, float px, float py, float pq)


const float sens_width = PI / 3.0;

float least_dist = BIG_NUMBER;

int i;

float dx, dy, dist, ang;

float spq, cpq;

// Update particle position to account sensor position

// wrt to turning axis of robot.

cpq = cos(pq);

spq = sin(pq);

px += sens_x[n] * cpq - sens_y[n] * spq ;

py += sens_x[n] * spq + sens_y[n] * cpq ;

pq += sens_q[n];

// Get a reading to any targets

for (i = 0; i <>

dx = xtgt[i] - px;

dy = ytgt[i] - py;

dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) - tgt_rad[i];

atan2 (dy, dx, ang);

ang = pq - ang;

limit_ang (ang);

if ((dist <>

least_dist = dist;



// Get a reading to any walls running in x direction (constant y value)

for (i = 0; i <>

spq = sin(pq);

if (spq != 0.0) {

dist = (xwall[i] - py) / spq;

if ((dist > 0) && (dist <>

least_dist = dist;




// Get a reading to any walls running in y direction (constant x value)

for (i = 0; i <>

cpq = cos(pq);

if (cpq != 0.0) {

dist = (ywall[i] - px) / cpq;

if ((dist > 0) && (dist <>

least_dist = dist;




return (least_dist);


// void init_particles(int particle_seed) - Initialise particles with a spread

// to express uncertainty in robot placement at start of test

void init_particles(int particle_seed)


int i;

float uniform_weight;


uniform_weight = 1.0 / F_NUM_PRTCL;

for (i = 0; i <>

particle_x[i] = START_X + (normal_rand() * PART_XY_NOISE);

particle_y[i] = START_Y + (normal_rand() * PART_XY_NOISE);

particle_q[i] = START_Q + (normal_rand() * PART_Q_NOISE);

particle_w[i] = uniform_weight;



// void predict_particles() - Predict the position of particles based on commanded movement

// and adding process noise

void predict_particles()


int i;

float approx_ang;

float noisy_dist, noisy_ang;

// Predict

for (i = 0; i <>

noisy_dist = dist * (1.0 + normal_rand() * ENC_NOISE);

noisy_ang = dq * (1.0 + normal_rand() * ENC_NOISE);

approx_ang = particle_q[i] + noisy_ang;

particle_x[i] += noisy_dist * cos(approx_ang);

particle_y[i] += noisy_dist * sin(approx_ang);

particle_q[i] += noisy_ang;




// void update_weights() - Update the weights based on the current range readings

// and the quality of match of the readings to the map

void update_weights()


int i, n;

float map_range;

float dist_err;

for (n = 0; n <>

if (range[n] != BIG_NUMBER) {

for (i = 0; i <>

map_range = get_reading(n, particle_x[i], particle_y[i], particle_q[i]);

if (map_range != BIG_NUMBER) {

dist_err = range[n] - map_range;

particle_w[i] *= exp(-dist_err * dist_err / sens_dist_noise_2sq);






// float normalise_weights() - Normalise the weights to sum to 1.0. Returns original sum

// value principally to check for all zero weights which means we're lost

float normalise_weights()


float sum;

int i;

sum = 0.0;

for (i = 0; i <>

sum += particle_w[i];


if (sum != 0.0) {

for (i = 0; i <>

particle_w[i] /= sum;



return sum;


// void update_averages() - Computes the weighted average of the particles. NOTE Prone

// to error if multi-modal distribution. Should really find mode and only use particles

// near mode.

void update_averages()


int i;

float a_x, a_y, a_cq, a_sq;

a_x = 0.0;

a_y = 0.0;

a_cq = 0.0;

a_sq = 0.0;

for (i = 0; i <>

a_x += particle_x[i] * particle_w[i];

a_y += particle_y[i] * particle_w[i];

// Compute using quadrature components to prevent problems at +/- PI

a_cq += cos(particle_q[i]) * particle_w[i];

a_sq += sin(particle_q[i]) * particle_w[i];


avg_x = a_x;

avg_y = a_y;

atan2(a_sq, a_cq, avg_q);


// float compute_ess() - Returns ess calculation to check information quality

// of particles

float compute_ess()


int i;

float sum, temp;

// Check ESS

sum = 0.0;

for (i = 0; i <>

temp = F_NUM_PRTCL * particle_w[i] - 1.0;

sum += temp * temp;


return(F_NUM_PRTCL / (1.0 + sum / F_NUM_PRTCL));


/************************** Main task definition *****************************/

task main ()


int i;

float ess;

float sum;


// Initialise position

avg_x = START_X;

avg_y = START_Y;

avg_q = START_Q;

// Initialise particles with a random seed


// Set the initial movement to zero

dist = 0.0;

dq = 0.0;

// Start the waypoint finding thread - blocks until filter first pass

StartTask (drive);

while (true)


// Predict the position of the particles based on the last movement command


// Sense


// Update weights


// Normalise and check for zero weights

sum = normalise_weights();

// If all weights are zero then we are REALLY lost

if (sum == 0.0) {


motor[left_m] = 0;

motor[right_m] = 0;


nxtDisplayTextLine(0,"Hopelessly lost!!");

while(true) {



// Compute weighted average position of particles


// Let the blocked movement task run now we are localised

if (wait_for_filter > 0)


// Resample if necessary

ess = compute_ess();

if (ess <>



// Update the display


// Wait for movement to finish before looping

wait_for_drive = 1;

while (wait_for_drive > 0) {





Time: 8.5

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